The Flushing dogs are intelligent with the universal ability for the execution of the hunting law but they must be used in such shoots which are suitable for them.
The nature talent and the degree of the training and the application in the hunting practice are tested by the exams that are downloadable to the character of the breeds but also the terms of the hunting practice.
For flushing dogs is applied the regulation for exams of small breeds.
The talent exams – reflect the nature talent of the dog and the quality of his scent, the shrillness and the temperament and also the premises for the next more demanding training.
The autumn exams – qualify the dog as a huntingly useable for supervision and aporting the small game.
The woodland exams – the dog gains the hunting usableness for the shoots with the shot of the deer game by the graduation of these exams.
The blood exams – the dog gains the hunting usableness for supervision of the deer game by the graduation of these exams.
The general exams – are the highest type of the exams from the hunting power, they qualify the dog as a huntingly useable for the supervision small and deer game.
Regulations for exams and other information for hunting:
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